All I want for Xmas is my …

I’m frustrating Adam because I won’t tell him what I want for Christmas.  He wants me to make it easy for him.  I want this book _________________.  This CD ___________________.  This belt _________________.  These shoes ______________.

I think that’s cheating.  I think part of the fun is spending time figuring out just the right gift.  He doesn’t think so.  In fact he doesn’t  think so so much that he’s given me a list a mile long of “gifts” that I can give him.  He wants a food processor, a new chef’s knife, a new industrial size mixer, a knife block, Patti Lapone’s biography, Carol Burnett’s biography.  It’s not going to be any fun if I HAVE to get him things on his list.

I actually have two things picked out for him.  Three actually.  Two are for sure.  One is a maybe.  It really depends on whether he is good or not.

As for me.  He wants to buy me an Ipod.  Or an I-Pad.  What will I do with an Ipad.  I’ll let him use it to read the Times on the way to work every morning.  As for a new Ipod,  I use my Ipod exactly four times a week.  Once each day on the trip downtown to work.  I read coming home so it’s not used on the return trip.  It’s six years old and for the most part it works fine.  It’s frozen a couple of times lately.  And the battery life is shot.  But it’s perfect for me.  I’d rather have something else.

I told him the same thing my mom used to say to me when I asked her what she wanted for Christmas:

“I just want you boys to be good this year.”

I just want him to be good this year.  And do what he’s told.  And tow the line.

All kidding aside, I don’t know what I want.  I need a bunch of stuff but it doesn’t make for fun Xmas gifts.  I need new work shoes.  And work pants.  New underwear.  New socks.  Not much fun.

Any of you guys out there have any ideas for me to give him.  If I don’t find something I’ll end up with a new food processor or industrial size mixer wrapped up under the tree  from him to me.