I was such a slug today. I slept through three ph…

I was such a slug today. I slept through three phone calls and finally rolled out of bed around 12:30. At which point I moved my lazy butt to the sofa where I slept until 3:30, sleeping through several more phone calls. I got up at 3:30 to pee, thinking I would move back to bed and take a nap, when I finally checked my messages. One was from my friend W.C. reminding me that we had plans at 4:30. Whoops. I called him back, left a message that I would be there and took the fastest shower ever. By 3:45 I was on the subway headed downtown. I got to our arranged meeting spot at 4:27. Not bad if you ask me.

At around 7:30 I stopped by the Gay and Lesbian Center because I had to go to the bathroom and it’s the one place in the Village you can go without “being a customer.” While I was there I saw A.L. If you remember he’s the one who drove cross country with me and then stopped speaking to me after I wouldn’t date him. I don’t know what got into me, perhaps it was the holidays, or I was in a good mood, or whatever, but I approached him put my arm around him and told him that at some point I would really like to talk about what happened and what’s going on. You would have thought I touched him with anthrax. He jumped, pushed my arms away and then screamed at me. “I don’t want to talk to you, there’s nothing to say. I never want to talk to you again!,” and then ran out of the Center.

I was taken aback and pissed off to say the least. I didn’t even know what to say. Luckily my friend W.C. witnessed the whole thing and we chatted about it for a moment. It’s only my opinion but A.L. has completely blown this “thing” out of proportion. We never dated, have never been on a date, and never even came close to it. I know I was firm when I finally told him no, but he forced me into that position. He acts as if we were in a 10 year relationship and just found out the whole thing was a fraud and that I had been cheating on him the whole time. After I calmed down, I realized it was not anger I felt for him, but pity. It’s sad that a 55 year old man would attach himself to someone unattainable and then hold them responsible for it. It’s also sad that he’s living his life in such a place of resentment and anger. It’s not a good place to be. In fact on the way home tonight, it made me realize that I needed to take a look at the anger I feel toward D.L.C. and maybe find some closure in that.

That’s it for tonight. Except that C.Z. my roommate and I think we have two baby snails growing on the outside of our bath tub. They are too small to tell but they kind of look like they might be. We don’t know if we should let them grow or get rid of them.

I got a new cell phone today. Actually I got it y…

I got a new cell phone today. Actually I got it yesterday and charged it but finally activated it tonight. My old phone had a crack in the screen and I was afraid it was going to die. Luckily it was time to renew my contract so I got the new phone for free.

I got home tonight to exclamations of joy from my roommate. Seems Santa came to visit today. Or at least all the things he ordered from the Internet using gift cards from Christmas came today. He got a new bathrobe from L.L. Bean, a new cell phone from Verizon, and the special prize…a new Ipod. He’s been in and out of his room all night putting Cd’s into his computer to download the music on to his Ipod.

As he was showing me his new phone I realized we had bought the same one. I joked that eventually he’ll take my phone to work with him and I’ll take his phone to work with me. I actually think I am going to go by a case tomorrow so that I don’t break this screen in the first week. So C.Z. with his phone and me with my phone spent about 2 hours in the living room checking out new ring tones for our friends. He’s never had special ring tones and I’ve had a few but thought with the occasion of the phone I should find some more.

Here are 5 of the ring tones I have chosen for 5 of my friends.

1. M.L. Theme from Greatest American Hero
2. T.M. 1812 Overture
3. A.N. Stand By Your Man
4. W.C. The Internet is for Porn
5. Mom. Back Where I Come From

What ring tones do you have on your phone for your friends?

There was a snail in my shower tonight. My room…

There was a snail in my shower tonight. My roommate nor I had noticed it today when we showered. It was about 2 feet up the wall of the shower, which I have to assume took a while. We don’t say moving at a snail’s pace for nothing. It was just bizarre. My roommate actually thought I was trying to play a practical joke, but I assured him I wasn’t. He was gracious enough to pull it off the wall. I then took it outside, hoping that it would live. Here’s a couple of pictures.

Well I thought I would post some pictures but Blogger’s being a shit again. Does anyone know why I would be unable to post pictures to my account?

A couple of weeks ago, Daniel wrote a post in defe…

A couple of weeks ago, Daniel wrote a post in defense of Sear’s decision to advertise on Logo, the gay channel. Part of the post was a request to go to the American Family Association website and instead of doing as they asked write positive letter to Sears. I thought it was the least that I could do, and so I did it. When I hit the send button to forward the email, I was asked for basic contact information. Things like my name, city, and email address. I gave them the information and my email was sent.

I knew a few moments later that I had been registered to receive email notifications from AFA, but I didn’t think much about it. Today I got my first email. It’s a thank you email for supporting their boycott against Ford for supporting the gay agenda. Here’s the body of the email.

December 27, 2006

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.

New: Update on Ford Boycott

Loses sales … begins supporting another homosexual magazine … refuses to stay neutral … sponsors ‘Two and a Half Men’ … urges support of homosexual marriage, stem cell research, and abortion

Dear Maddog,

The boycott of Ford Motor Company is beginning to take effect. In November, Ford sales were down 9.7%. General Motors showed a 6.1% increase during the same month while Chrysler sales were up 4.7%. In seven of the nine months since AFA began the boycott, because of the motor company’s support for the homosexual agenda – including homosexual marriage, Ford’s sales have gone down compared to a year ago.

Ford has long supported the homosexual magazine, The Advocate. Now, Ford has expanded their promotion of homosexual publications by supporting the homosexual publication Out through advertising.

Wal-Mart recently announced they would no longer support or oppose controversial issues. Ford originally made a similar pledge to AFA but reneged when a small group of homosexual leaders demanded retraction, despite the fact that not a single homosexual group has publicly supported Ford.

Ford was a sponsor of a recent episode of CBS’s program “Two and a Half Men” in which actor Charlie Sheen’s character mocked Christ, Christmas and Christians by singing a sordid sex song to the tune of “Joy To The World.”

During the recent elections, Ford pointed their employees to a radical left wing online voter guide for information on how to vote. The website that contained the guide urged votes against constitutional amendments banning homosexual marriage, for stem cell research in Missouri and against an amendment banning abortion in South Dakota.

Take Action

1. If you have not already done so, click here to sign the Boycott Ford Pledge. More than 625,000 have already signed the pledge. For a history of the boycott, visit http://www.BoycottFord.com.

2. Click here to send an email to new Ford CEO Alan R. Mulally letting him know you are participating in the boycott.

3. Forward this email to your friends and family who may not be aware of Ford’s support for the homosexual agenda.

4. Click here to print and distribute the Boycott Ford Petition.

If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

I am doing as they ask. I am forwarding this to as many people as I can through my blog. You know what to do. Go to the AFA’s website and send Ford a message praising them for the courage to support the “gay agenda.” Then provide the information requested so that you can be kept up-to-date as to what’s being done against us.

If they only knew.

Because stealing at Christmas is so much fun, I he…

Because stealing at Christmas is so much fun, I helped myself to a meme over at Spo-Reflections who had stolen it earlier in the day. I promise to return it when I am finished.

1. What do you hate most about Christmas? The tourists in NYC. There are about 50 million more people in the city right now than normal. In two weeks the place will be a ghost town.

2. What is your least favorite piece of Christmas music?
Here we come a Wassailing….what the fuck is wassailing? Does anyone know?

3. Your least favorite Christmas decoration?
The Christmas balls that are plastic covered in colored thread. I HATE them. Buy glass balls. The don’t cost any more and I like them better. And it is all about me, isn’t it?

4. Your least favorite Christmas treat?
I HATE egg-nog. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Bourbon Balls on the other hand….Yum! Yum! Yum!

5. What traditional Christmas food OTHER THAN FRUITCAKE (too easy) is best sent down the garbage disposal?
My mother’s jam cake. Everyone loves it, but I have always hated it. I like the caramel icing but hate the cake.

6. Which animated Christmas TV special leaves you wanting to rip the wallpaper off of the walls?
Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol. I never liked any of the Magoo cartoons, especially the Christmas Carol.

7. What was you least favorite Christmas gift ever?
My brother gave me two LARGE screwdrivers one year. And that was all. I did a double take and said thank you. I don’t know what he was thinking. I still have them, but they are too big to use for anything.

8. What is your least favorite Christmas activity?
Undecorating. I love putting up the tree. I HATE taking it down. I’m really hoping that my roommate will lead the charge in doing this.

9. Who on your Christmas gift list is the hardest to shop for?
My mother. When we were children she would say she wanted, “just for you kids to be good.”
As an adult, “just for you to come home.” I can’t wrap that up and put it under the tree, which leaves me guessing and I never know what to get her.

10. How would you spend this time of year if you were not caught up in all of the holiday madness?
This year to save money I decided to not go home. It was going to cost almost 800 bucks for a ticket in to Lexington and if I go two weeks later it’s half that. So I am going two weeks later. So this year, I am going to order Chinese delivery and curl up on the couch and watch the Hallmark channel all day. The have terribly sappy movies that you hate to admit you like. And if I get really lonely I might venture out to see a movie. But probably not. I can hardly wait.

Tonight while channel surfing I happened upon Scro…

Tonight while channel surfing I happened upon Scrooge, the musical of A Christmas Carol starring Albert Finney. It’s been forever since I had thought about that show. At one time it was near and dear to my heart. In 1984 and 1985 I played the Ghost of Christmas Present in a stage version of Scrooge. It was a great part. I was only on stage for about 15 minutes but it was fun. My costume, just like in the movie, was a big green dress. I looked awesome. I also got to sing the song “I Like Life”, which has a wonderful message. It’s all about appreciating life. I don’t have video of me singing this song but I did find the video from the movie. Enjoy.

Tonight is night 6 of Hanukkah. It has made me th…

Tonight is night 6 of Hanukkah. It has made me think of some interesting stories from my past.

Many years ago I arrived home for Christmas. We did the normal family activities including opening gifts on Christmas morning. As my brother began handing out the packages I noticed a number of them were wrapped in blue paper. As my pile began to grow, I noticed the blue paper was Hanukkah paper, so I gently asked my mom about it. She said that she had gotten it on sale at the Dollar Store and thought it was pretty. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it wasn’t Christmas paper.

I’m not sure she would have known what Hanukkah is. I grew up in Kentucky and didn’t meet my first Jewish person until I moved to Atlanta in 1987. It’s not that there was prejudice against Jews, or people didn’t like them, it’s just there weren’t any, at least not in my school.

In 1987 while living in Atlanta I worked as a waiter at Bennigan’s Restaurant at Lenox Mall. It was my first time waiting tables and it was the beginning of my coming out of the closet. That Christmas my new friend S.W. (we are friends to this day) hosted a Jewish Christmas party. I was confused. I was educated enough to know that Jews don’t celebrate Christmas so I wasn’t sure what the deal was. I finally cornered S.W. to ask her. It turns out her roommate celebrated Christmas and although S.W. was Jewish she had always had a Christmas tree. It was a long story but she explained the reasons.

I said thank you and then kissed her since we were standing under the mistletoe. I came out of the closet the next day. But S.W. was the beginning of many wonderful Jewish people that I have met. Of course she’s the only one who celebrates Christmas.