Sick As A Maddog…

I’m recuperating from a bout of cold/flu/allergies/sinus infection.   It’s had me home bound, on the couch for the past three days.  It started Friday morning, was worse on Saturday and was slightly better today.   I’m in the come and go stages now.  There were points during the day that I felt like a normal human being and others where I still felt like shit.  I hoping another good night of sleep will help knock this out.  What I’m really hoping is that it doesn’t turn into something that needs antibiotics because that will mean a trip to the doctor.  And without a doctor and without insurance that could prove to be a real pain in the ass and very expensive.  I also can’t afford to miss any more work.  When you are a waiter you don’t get paid when you don’t work.  So this weekend was not very profitable for me.  So keep your fingers crossed that this clears up soon.

3 thoughts on “Sick As A Maddog…

  1. Lemuel February 25, 2008 / 05:58

    Here’s hoping you feel much better soon! There is some rough stuff out there so take care of yourself!

  2. Cincy Diva February 25, 2008 / 09:59

    GC and I both had it. His was worse than mine. Either that or he’s a real baby when he’s sick! Drink lots of fluids and rest rest rest!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. urspo February 25, 2008 / 22:23

    antibiotics are very overrated and over prescribed so you probably don’t ‘need’ them anyway.
    get well soon; get somebody to pamper you.

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